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February 2024


Discover the less-trodden paths of Paris: Local experiences for the 2024 Olympics

(NC) Visiting Paris for the 2024 Summer Olympics? Alongside the excitement of the games, explore these 10 lesser-known captivating sights. Each offers a unique glimpse into the city’s rich history and vibrant culture, standing apart from the usual tourist attractions.

Musée Rodin

In the heart of the city, the Musée Rodin is a peaceful haven celebrating the work of Auguste Rodin. Surrounded by lush gardens, you’ll find iconic sculptures like “The Thinker” and “The Kiss.”

Catacombs of Paris

Below Paris’s bustling streets, the Catacombs present a mysterious underground world. This historic labyrinth is the final resting place of millions, offering a unique perspective on Paris’s past.


Nestled within the medieval Palais de la Cité, the royal chapel called Sainte-Chapelle is a marvel of Gothic architecture. Its magnificent stained-glass windows cast a kaleidoscope of light and colour.

Canal Saint-Martin

Canal Saint-Martin is a local favourite, known for its tranquil pathways and picturesque footbridges. Enjoy a leisurely stroll or relax at a charming café along the water.

Promenade Plantée

This elevated park, reminiscent of New York’s High Line, is a lush retreat above the city. The Promenade Plantée offers scenic walks amidst greenery and urban views.

La Petite Ceinture

Seek out La Petite Ceinture, an abandoned railway line transformed into a green urban trail. It’s a perfect mix of nature and urban exploration.


Visit the neoclassical Panthéon, the final resting place of renowned French figures like Voltaire and Rousseau, and admire its architectural grandeur.

Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature

Explore the relationship between hunting, nature and art at the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, showcasing a unique array of artifacts.

Musée de la Magie

In the Marais district, the Musée de la Magie invites you into a world of illusion and enchantment, a magical experience for all ages.

Marché aux Puces de Saint-Ouen

The extensive market is a paradise for treasure seekers, filled with antiques and unique items for every budget and taste.

These lesser-known attractions in Paris promise a memorable experience, tempting you to return to this enchanting city. For a custom travel experience and accommodation, consider services like Hosted Villas. Find more hidden European gems to visit at

Media Attachments
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Contemplate “The Thinker” at Musée Rodin, a serene space that celebrates the genius of Auguste Rodin, set amidst tranquil gardens in the heart of Paris. Photo courtesy of Hosted Villas. View
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