Rules for importing food to Canada

(NC) More food than ever before is being traded across borders. Many of the foods we eat and ingredients we use are imported – from spices, nuts and snack foods to coffee, tea and other beverages.
While all this can bring adventure to our taste buds, more trade can add potential risks to foods.
This is why it is so important for businesses to stay up to date with new requirements from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, including the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.
These regulations apply to all food that’s imported, exported or traded between provinces. Any business importing food or beverages into Canada needs a valid food safety licence.
As of February 2024, food safety licences will be automatically verified for imports of manufactured foods. Without a valid licence, shipments may be denied entry into Canada.
It is each food business owner’s responsibility to ensure their licence is valid and they are proactive about meeting all rules and regulations when importing food products.
Learn more about food import requirements at inspection.canada.ca/foodrules.
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