Retrain your way to a new job

(NC) Is your job in a bit of a rut? Maybe you’re worried about being downsized. Or you have recently been let go. Whatever your reasons for seeking out the next stage in your career path, here are four steps to help get you there.
Consider what excites you
There’s an old saying that if you love what you do for a living, it will never feel like work. If you’re not in love with your current role, consider what you’re passionate about and explore related job opportunities. You may, for example, have a hobby, such as baking or cooking, that you could parlay into a new role.
Tap into your skillset
When reviewing job applications, employers are looking for a mix of hard and soft skills. Hard skills are things that you have been trained to do, such as operating a specific piece of equipment or experience with a software program. Start by looking for jobs that are seeking people with your existing skills.
Soft skills are things like leadership or the ability to work as part of a team. If you don’t have a lot of experience in leadership or working as part of a larger team, charities and other organizations are often looking for volunteers. Before hunting for your next job, investigate opportunities where you can give back to the community while also growing your skills and experience.
Enhance your education
Once you’ve identified any shortcomings in your skills and experience, look for ways to fill those gaps. Options for growth include taking part-time or night school courses online or at a local school, or signing up for an apprenticeship program.
Explore growth industries
While you’re looking for your next job, you should research the most in-demand roles employers are trying to fill. One broad-ranging field is information technology (IT). According to the Information and Communications Technology Council, Canada will need an additional 250,000 employees in the digital economy in 2025. If you want to get into the IT field, organizations such as ComIT can provide you with free technology training and help with job skills like resume building and interviewing.
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