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Your guide to splurging and saving this season

(NC) The holidays are all about celebrations and gift-giving. But all the festivities can mean you end up spending more than you wanted to. Avoid impulse buys and January regrets with this guide to spending and saving.

Splurge. Buying in bulk can save you in the long run, even if it costs more upfront. For items you’ll need plenty of like wrapping paper and greeting cards, get that deluxe jumbo pack — if you have leftovers, you can keep them in storage for next year and save even more.

Save. The costs when playing host can add up very quickly. To avoid food waste and a big dent in your wallet, embrace a potluck approach to parties. Coordinate with guests to each bring a dish or treat to make entertaining more affordable. Remember to offer to bring something in return when you’re the guest.

Splurge. Relaxation is priceless and can have positive benefits to your physical and mental health, especially during a season that can be stressful. So don’t be afraid to pamper yourself with a massage mid-season or a weekend getaway post-festivities. If you’re staying over with family for the holidays, treat yourself with at least a night or two at a hotel to maintain your sanity and keep everyone jolly.

Save. Gift-giving is an expensive process, especially when your nice list is long. To save, use your rewards points to buy things like clothes, tech and experiences. Earn and redeem points when you shop for your favourite brands with Marriott Rewards. Find more information at

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